Canine Behavior Therapy

Canine Behavior Therapy
From Dog Whisperer to Dog Listener

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Session 1 (Introduction to Canine Behavior Therapist Training)

As a consultant, trainer, friend-of-dogs, lecturer, trainer of people, grief counselor, puppy finder and more, you will be a non-verbal communicator with dogs as well as their therapist and coach for making it in a people's world.

Millions of relationships with canines and humans result in an owener being frustrated and angry while the dgo is sent to shelters and whose life too often ends in euthanasia. It is a sad fact so many preventable problems go untreated or addressed at the expense of what should have been a healthy and fulfilling relationship between man/woman and dog.

You can be proud and passionate about your decision to elevate your status as a canine owner, companion and perhaps even, therapist. The world is desperate for people like you who care about the quality of life for peole and their pets.

The course you are about to embark on is intense and complete in it's focus. However, it will be crucial that you find every available opportunity to interact with different dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds in order to make practical application of the things you learn here online.

Never. Never assume you are more than you are when it comes to being a dog listener or whisperer. A person who approaches every situation with confidence is different than one who approaches with arrogance. There will always be another level of knowledge to which one can aspire and that fact alones means you will enjoy the greatest success and pleasure from your education if you listen to others, give careful though to each situation and approach people, pets and circumstances with gentleness, confidence and an open-mind.

In addition to learning the basics of training and obedience, you will learn the intricacies of behavior in canines. Whether it is basic obedience, competetion training or correcting serious behavior problems, the world of dogs is challenging, exciting and fun. The perfect mis of these ingredients is what will let you know that you are doing the right things, developing the right relationships or even building the right kind of business.

All of the information contained in this course, and each session, is important. Please be careful to learn each topic thouroughly to ensure your well-rounded and complete training. To begin, we will learn some of the basic physical features of a dog. These should be memorized. When you see a dog, try to identify these areas in your mind or even out loud, to facilitate training that goes beyond simply "memorizing".

As you touch and feel these areas it will become evident to you the exact location of each component of the dogs body. If you are also studying the Harmony Alternative Health Therapist course at you will learn much more detail about the physical anatomy of canines.

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