Canine Behavior Therapy

Canine Behavior Therapy
From Dog Whisperer to Dog Listener

Friday, June 18, 2010

How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping on People

Dogs typically love hands, with the exception of those who are abused. Dogs love our hands because hands play with, feed them, scratch their bellies and are used in most communication efforts.

Clients that have asked me fore help with jumping dogs or overly excited dogs are usually making the mistake of telling the dog to "jump" or "come get me" by what they do with their hands.

If a person lifts their hands to their chest to get away from the dog, the dog believes that means "jump up to get to my hands that you love so much". If a dog jumps up and a person tries to push the dog down or push the dog away with his hands, the dog interprets that as "try harder to get those wonderful hands that are playing with me.

Dogs who are well-cared for and excercised daily will respons quickly to hands that stay limp at your side while you ignore the dog until such time as it settles down and you decided you are ready to play or pet.

Remember; dogs love your hands, so use them to condition and train the dog with consistency and common sense.

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